
New addition to the Recreation ground

A few photos from tonight’s information sign installation. The sign is at the entrance to the recreation ground and should provide some useful and interesting facts about our local river and environment surrounding it.

Also gave the chance to photograph the rock berm and planting which took place nearly three years ago, pretty amazing difference and complimented by the planting carried out on the border behind by Brue Valley Rotary Club. Then and now photos attached.

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September Kick Sample

Kick sampling – a new month, a new season and as the year changes so do the ‘finds’, from each sample. Plenty of Cranefly larvae to be found. As the knowledge of the group grows so do the identification skills, Janice and Baz were pretty amazing today.

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Pollarding and Coppicing – Saturday 17th March 2018

Despite the snow, members of the team managed to balance the shade/light ratio with some coppicing and pollarding work along ‘Waterside’… ...read the rest

Equipment update – October 2017

Another handy addition to the equipment list was purchased by the group to help with the transportation of rubbish and equipment on various events. … ...read the rest

Wildlife Habitat signs

Working alongside Wincanton Town Council, C.A.T.C.H. were pleased to see areas along the river bank left un-mowed this year as a haven of safe passage for wildlife.… ...read the rest

Wildflower management 2017

Year two of the Memorial Wild Flower Meadow has seen an abundance of flowers and wildlife.… ...read the rest

Coppicing and Pollarding – September 2017

C.A.T.C.H. volunteers undertook some coppicing and pollarding on a very over shaded stretch of the Cale . The difference after a few hours of work was quite dramatic.
The result is now that if you stand on the Batch Bridge and look upstream you get a fabulous view of the river and it’s flow deflectors . Items of rubbish were removed as we worked so it’s really looking good down there. We have also created some hibernacula or bug hotels as the kids call them , this was achieved using the brash from the tree trimmings.
The main reason for … ...read the rest

Britain in Bloom 2017

A lovely award to receive from the Britain in Bloom organisation. … ...read the rest

Our first Rock Berm – 2017


On Monday 12th September, work started and was completed on our rock berm in the River Cale, Wincanton. This indeed was a significant day… ...read the rest

Faces for radio!


Back in April 2017 Gary and Matt took part in a live show on BBC Radio Somerset. … ...read the rest