
Safeguarding Policy

As a voluntary group which often involves members of the public, including children, CATCH now has a safeguarding policy which you can read here.

Policy statement

This policy applies to all CATCH committee members.

CATCH is a voluntary environmental group, dedicated to returning the River Cale to a self-sustaining ecosystem. To achieve this aim, CATCH works with a variety of organisations and community groups, including schools, youth groups such as the Scouts and volunteers of all ages from the local community. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for everyone involved in our organisation and in the work we do.

Any child who takes part in a CATCH activity is the primary responsibility of the adult who brings them. Nevertheless, every CATCH representative has a personal responsibility for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. We do this by considering the safety and well-being of all those involved in our activities and by protecting them from harm, exploitation, abuse and neglect and reporting concerns whenever this happens or we think it may have happened.

We encourage the active participation of children and adults in keeping themselves and others safe.

CATCH will ensure that:

  • there are appropriate risk assessments in place for all their programmes and activities.
  • effective procedures are in place for responding to safeguarding concerns as set out in this document.

All CATCH committee members have the following responsibilities, to:

  • follow safe working practice
  • act appropriately and challenge inappropriate behaviour in others
  • understand and be familiar with the Safeguarding Policy
  • know how to follow and use the procedure for reporting safeguarding concerns.

Communicating this policy

All CATCH committee members must read this policy. Regular volunteers should be made aware of this policy by CATCH’s safeguarding contact (see end of policy). A copy is available on our website (www.rivercale.org) for anyone to access. Any school or other organised group we are working with will be made aware of this policy and given a copy on request.


Child means anyone under the age of 18.

Vulnerable adult means any adult who is or may be unable to take care of themselves or be unable to protect themselves against significant harm, exploitation, abuse and neglect because of mental or other disability, age or illness.

Safeguarding means promoting and protecting someone’s health, well-being and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, exploitation, abuse and neglect.

A safeguarding concern is when you are worried about the safety or well-being of a child or vulnerable adult because of something seen or heard, or information which has been given to you. A safeguarding concern can also involve a CATCH representative, or a representative from another organisation, endangering the safety or well-being of others.

Harm to a child or vulnerable adult can be caused by:

A parent / carer
A family member / friend
Another child
A professional
A volunteer
A stranger
A male or a female

Code of conduct

We are all responsible for our own actions and behaviour and have a duty to keep ourselves and others safe.

We do this by:

  • treating everyone with dignity and respect regardless of age, sex, gender, disability, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation, appearance or cultural background, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity.
  • planning and organising our work and the working area to minimise risks to health, safety and well-being.
  • respecting other people’s privacy and boundaries.
  • constructively challenging unacceptable behaviour and language.
  • seeking help when we need it, for ourselves and others.

We will NOT:

  • use language, make suggestions or offer advice which is inappropriate, harassing, abusive, sexually provocative, demeaning or culturally inappropriate
  • act or speak in ways intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade.
  • allow or engage in any kind of physical contact that is inappropriate, or potentially abusive.
  • develop relationships or act in a way which is abusive or may place a person at risk of harm, exploitation, abuse or neglect.
  • condone, or participate in, behaviour which is illegal, unsafe or abusive.

Planning and supervision

All activities or work will be planned, risk assessed and have the appropriate supervision in place. This includes:

  • Working to the best of your ability, acting within your competence and not taking on anything you do not believe you can safely do.
  • Ensuring all appropriate risk assessments and security checks have been carried out prior to any activity. This includes providing first aid cover, safeguarding and accident reporting.
  • Ensuring that another adult is present, and you are visible to others, especially when working with children or vulnerable adults.

Indirect supervision of groups

Indirect supervision is where members of CATCH are responsible for running the activity, but other adults are responsible for supervising the group, e.g. teachers, play group leaders, youth group leaders, parents or other accompanying adults. In this case, the responsibility for the behaviour and discipline of the children or young people lies with the parents and/or the responsible organisation or adults. This must always be made clear by CATCH’s representatives before any activity starts.


You may have access to confidential information about others, and in some circumstances, you may be given highly sensitive or private information.

You should only share confidential information with another CATCH member or outside of CATCH with the individual’s consent, unless it is in their best interests (for example, if they are at risk of harm) or if you have a legal duty to share (for example, if it relates to a terrorist threat).

You should:

  • treat confidential information with due care and respect.
  • always record the reasons for sharing information – what you have shared, with whom and for what purpose.
  • share information sensitively, anonymously where possible, if you need to discuss issues and seek advice from others.

You should NEVER:

  • use confidential information for your own, or others’ advantage (including that of partners, friends, relatives or other organisations).
  • use confidential information to intimidate, humiliate, embarrass or abuse another person.
  • share confidential information casually in conversation with others.
  • promise absolute confidentiality to any individual you are working with.

Photography and videos

It may be appropriate on occasion to record photographic and video images of CATCH’s activities.

It is agreed by the CATCH committee (2019) that appropriate photos and videos may be taken of any CATCH committee members. You should only store or use photos of non-committee members with their consent and of participating children with the consent of the adult whose care they are in. If any image is used, you should not name the individual, unless you have specific consent and there is a need to do so. You should report any concern about inappropriate or intrusive photos or videos being taken or subsequently found.

In Practice


If you suspect the abuse of a child or vulnerable adult:

Ensure the individual is immediately safe.

Listen to what they say.

Take what they say seriously.

Find out the basics of what happened but don’t probe or push them for explanations.

Don’t promise to keep what they say a secret although it should be shared with a minimum of people.

Try to remember their actual words if possible and record and date what was said as soon as possible afterwards.

Don’t investigate the matter yourself.

Don’t assume that someone else knows and will help them. You must act.

Do share your worries with Adult or Children’s Social Care, the police or the NSPCC – they are there to help you. (Contact details at end of document.)

Do also inform CATCH’s safeguarding contact (see end of policy). If you are not a CATCH member, you can contact them via CATCH’s mobile number where you should just leave a message asking them to contact you.

If you are working with a school or other organisation you will need to follow their procedures for reporting safeguarding concerns.

Don’t delay.

Don’t be afraid to voice your concerns, they may need urgent protection and help.

Safeguarding is everybody’s business.


SCC Children’s and Adult Social Care 0300 123 2224 M-F 8am – 6pm

Children’s Social Care Emergency Duty Team 0300 123 2327

NSPCC 0808 800 5000

Police 101 or 999

CATCH mobile 07597 127187 (Safeguarding contact – Janice Blackwell)

JB 28/04/19

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