
Wincanton Beach – 2017

These results are taken from kick sampling conducted on the river Cale at the site known as Wincanton Beach, between Shadwell Lane and Waterside Road; UK grid reference ST 71100 28754.

Date  Jan 17  Feb 17 Mar 17 Apr 17
Target Groups Number Category Number Category Number Category Number Category
Cased caddis b  4 a
Caseless caddis
Mayflies  3  a
Blue-winged olives  a  1  a
Flat-bodies  a
Olives  1  a
Stoneflies  a  1  a
Freshwater shrimp  b  6  a
Site score  7  6
Notes  Kingfisher and Dipper spotted.
Invasive Species
American signal crayfish NO NO NO NO
Himalayan balsam NO NO NO NO
Japanese knotweed NO NO NO NO
Giant hogweed NO NO NO NO
Floating pennywort NO NO NO NO
American skunk cabbage NO NO NO NO
Other species noted Bullhead, Leech, Water snails.
River depth close cm 15cm cm cm
River depth middle cm 15cm cm cm
River depth far cm 15cm cm cm


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