
Quiet time of year?

For those of you who are wondering what CATCH are currently up to, we are in the midst of planning a couple of local projects and events. At the end of March the kick sampling season begins once again.

A date for your diary will be 7th April, where CATCH members will carry out a public kick sampling demonstration where we are looking for budding river ecologists to take part and maybe in the future take a participation in this each month?

We are also hoping to soon launch the ‘Yellow Fish’ campaign in the town. If you’d like to know more, then please follow this link – https://youtu.be/raqku2p2-90

In June we are hoping to also hold a wildlife and river event in the town that will hopefully attract a good footfall from the town inhabitants, but more information will follow soon…

Categories: Uncategorized


  • Emma Bourne says:

    Would like to get involved, please let me know any details. I have some work to do on Sunday 7th but hopefully can fit it round your timetable.

    • Hi Emma, many apologies if this is the first reply you’ve had to your enquiry on 4th April! We’re not so hot at keeping up to date with our website. Would you like to be added to our volunteers email group? We’re a little better at keeping up to date with that and we really appreciate anyone showing an interest &/or joining in with activities. Best wishes, Janice

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