Pushing on with Cale Park regeneration

Proposals for the regeneration of Cale Park will take a step forward in the next few months with the submission of the first major funding application for the project.

The Town Council are planning to submit a funding application to Viridor in mid June to support the first phase of development to regenerate, upgrade and improve the existing play area.

This will include the provision of a new bridge to access the play area, additional equipment for children of all ages and general landscaping to improve and enhance the natural habitat.

In order to strengthen the funding bid, the Town Council is looking for letters of support for the project from local groups and residents. The letters don’t need to be lengthy but just show that there is a need and demand for the improvements and that the scheme is well supported locally.

If you are able to write a letter or email then please send it to Louise Treacher at [email protected] who is collating the information for the funding bid or Wincanton Town Council Clerk, Sam Atherton at [email protected]. Alternatively you can drop it into the Town Council Offices in the Town Hall.

Further information about the Cale Park Project is available from the Town Council.

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