Prince fishers!

Excellent news on the wildlife front, thanks to our chairman’s wife Caroline, who spotted – and took a quick photo via her mobile phone – four newly-fledged kingfisher chicks perched on a branch above the Cale. Given that one of our resident kingfisher adults fell victim to a nearby cat recently, we were unsure if any chicks would survive – if indeed any eggs had been laid to begin with. It’s wonderful to see them out of the nest and thriving, and here’s hoping to their continued success, with further nests and chicks to come in future years.
The chicks can be seen on this picture as flashes of orange and blue along the branch in the middle – our best photographers will be scouring the riverbanks over the next few days looking for more photographs, and if anyone else manages to snap them please let us see your results – we’ll be happy to give due credit where it belongs!

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