
Pike spotted in Cale – Theo Pike, that is…

A few weeks ago, we were graced by the presence of Theo Pike, a leading light of the Wandle Trust organisation and a great mentor to our developing group, who came along to meet the gang and see how we were getting on with our various aims and projects.

Theo Pike

Theo Pike

He’s been kind enough to write up this visit as part of his Urban Trout Diaries series on the Fish&Fly website – see what he had to say here!

CATCH has been lucky enough to attract wide-ranging attention from a variety of sources during its first year, which helps to raise our profile amongst the bodies who supply funding to voluntary organisations and in turn can lead to more money with which to get things done. We’re grateful to Theo for his time and efforts, and to all those who are spreading the word of our little group and its big ideas!

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