3rd CATCH Annual Jumble Sale raises over £600!

CATCH held their third Annual Jumble Sale on Saturday, March 5th 2016, in Wincanton Memorial Hall. We are pleased, and somewhat amazed, to be able to announce that the Sale has raised more than £600 to fund future CATCH activities. We cannot thank the town and community enough; in the words of committee member Steve Lee, “There really are so many folk to thank, to those that gave up their time sorting, collecting, carrying (in the snow), to those that donated jumble, helped promote the sale, attended the sale and gave so generously, we thank you all. There will be a few out there tonight with aching backs, sore feet and tired bodies but all will know what £600 will do. Difficult to find words to truly convey the community spirit and support shown on this one but ‘thank you’.”

Further details of the event on the relevant page, which can be found in our menu under 2016 planned activities.

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